Early Pregnancy Class

  1. Who can attend pre-pregnancy class?

Pregnant women from 1 to 6 months can attend this class.


  1. What will you learn in Early-Pregnancy Class?

In common, first time mothers will have lots and lots of doubt in their mind about their pregnancy, accompanied by fear. Pregnant women go through lots of mental, physical changes and their partners are clueless about how to assist them. In this scientific era, couples are looking for evidence based information.  Early pregnancy class is specially designed to educate the couples about anatomy changes during pregnancy, comfort measures, how to have a healthy pregnancy?, Nutrition, diet, and exercise, and risk factors.


  1.     What is Early pregnancy class and what are the benefits of attending this class?

Pregnancy initial phase is uncertain. The pregnant mother who attends this class will learn how to recognize and differentiate between symptoms that are typical and those that need to be treated right away. Women who take this session will feel more equipped to handle their pregnancy with confidence and evidence-based knowledge. Considering everything, she can treasure her first two trimesters