who we are

A Trusted Child Birth Educator

MahaMa - Birth by Education, is a platform created to educate, empower and encourage fellow women and their families right from pre-pregnancy, Early Pregnancy, Labor management, Newborn care, and Postpartum period. Our platform is solely created by a woman for the fellow women, to provide physical, emotional, and informational support on their Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum, Breastfeeding, and Newborn care. MahaMa has been created to provide information to both men and women together to make informed consent on their parenthood journey.

our overall patients


our success rate


we’re home care
Personal Care & Growth
Support Coordinators

Our Values

At MahaMa, we live and breathe our values, of Collaboration, Empowerment, Dignity and Respect while delivering the highest quality of care. We have an open-minded approach, embrace cultural diversity and provide services that are comprehensive and culturally appropriate.

Our Vision

Establishing a community that is both compassionate and powerful, with the goal of providing pregnant parents with comprehensive, evidence-based education and support to empower them to make confident, informed, guilt-free decisions throughout their journey as parents. By bridging the knowledge gap between conventional wisdom and contemporary, scientifically supported birthing education, MahaMa hopes to equip a new generation of families to face the challenges and joys of pregnancy and motherhood with clarity and confidence.

Our Mission

Our goal at MahaMa is to assist individuals and couples on their journey towards parenthood with evidence-based education. Our mission is to debunk misconceptions, close knowledge gaps, and provide parents the skills and self-assurance they need to make wise, guilt-free decisions. We are committed to building a supportive community on our platform that enables, enlightens, and empowers all parents to confidently and clearly face the joys and trials of pregnancy, childbirth, and life after."

Reason behind starting MahaMa

  During my pregnancy, I was helpless about the basics of pregnancy. I slowly started to educate myself by figuring out abundant ideas from various trusted sources about pregnancy and delivery. To the surprise, the lot of advice and information I got orally from my surroundings and the facts I gathered from the sources were quite contrast. Countless myths scared me about my pregnancy. By incorporating and following my studies, I birthed a baby vaginally. That made me more urged in Childbirth Education and there came the first spark to create this platform. So, I decided to explore about childbirth Education and I enrolled in it. That lead me halfway to my desire.

In the time of my course, I had to attend a normal delivery. She was 103 kgs in weight and that was her first pregnancy. She was accompanied by a neighbor as she has lost her parents and Mother-in-law. She struggled a lot in her delivery and the underlying reason was she was unaware/lack of childbirth education. My fortunate, I helped her with certain verbal encouragements, some breathing techniques, and Soma messages. To the amaze, she gave birth to/birthed a beautiful baby vaginally. This was the second spark that enlightened my mind to create a platform for the couples where they can get the complete Perinatal information.

Thus, all combined, here I’m starting this platform to aid, educate, empower, and encourage my fellow peoples in their parenthood journey, where they can take guilt-free informed decisions.

About the founder

  • Childbirth Educator
  • Complete Pregnancy Guide
  • Couple Guide

The Founder of MahaMa – Birth by Education, ‘Vishnupriya Jothinataraj’ is a pursuing and training Childbirth Educator. She has set goals to work with more primary health centers around Pollachi to help the women in their pregnancy and their postpartum journey. She has helped many fellow women in their deliveries. She conducts online classes every weekend.
Moreover, being a mother of a toddler, she has experience in assisting fellow women.

Motto: Let’s Learn for our Littles…